Introducing markdown shortcuts in Asana

I am trying to continue my ordered list after a line break, but (Number) won’t work for any number other than 1. The documentation states any other number (other than 1) can be used, have I misunderstood?

That is all good and nice but will you also support inline images? Currently there is no way to include inline images in Asana and that is a very basic feature that virtually any other tool like this does support.

This underwhelming of this announcement is so vigorously deflating.

This is not markdown support. You might as well just be saying “we’re adding some new rich text editor features.”

links, images, code blocks?

It seemed in the previous feature request that nobody was listening, this thread confirms it.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Bullet point shortcut no longer works in Windows

Hello there, I would like to know how this has progressed. We do not see access to markdown and that would be so amazing.


I’m not sure if this is related or not, but it would be great to make text areas compatible with indentation based formatting.

For example when copy pasting an indented list (eg something posted using slack markdown)

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Into an Asana comment this becomes flattened :

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How’s an actual useful markdown coming along or should we open a new feedback request for functional markdown?


Any update on it? Waiting multiple years for this feature and now we get some better shortcuts is a big disappointment. It feels like that asana doesn’t understand the value in markdown.
So please start again, because such shortcuts doesn’t help anybody -.-


Is the Asana dev team familiar with Snarkdown?

1kb, XSS secure, does 99.999% of all markdown features. 1 line of code.

If you’re worried about implementing links to images, please, for the love of god, give us markdown, we can worry about images next.

If you’re worried about misinterpreting existing text, just add an account option to use it or not.

You can’t seem to be worried about triggering markdown unintentionally because you’ve already implemented markdown shortcuts.

If you’re worried about having to implement markdown in your WYSIWYG editor, we don’t care if it shows in the editor! We just want it to render in the task.

Please, please, please :pray:


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Please add Markdown support to Asana for:

  • the description of a ticket
  • the comments of the ticket

You have implemented shortcuts which are simulating markdown, BUT: it isn’t:

  • It is not possible to paste markdown
  • it is not possible to export as markdown
  • it is not possible to write tickets without the automatic-rendering, which is not working good. I fight it every day
  • its not possible to insert code-blocks
  • most other tools are supporting it: GitHub, slack, jira, …

The feature-request is multiple years old but it feels like that Asana doesn’t care at all. :frowning:

I have created this new topic, because the other markdown related topics are closed:


Hi @markus4 and thanks for the additional feedback. Introducing markdown shortcuts in Asana was our first shot at markdown and we will certainly continue developing it in the future. Please keep an eye on the main announcement as we will re-open it to post regular updates. In the meantime, I’m moving your feedback with the announcement to gather all feedback in one place, so we can easily keep track of it!

Thanks again for taking the time to share your feedback with us, we really appreciate it :slight_smile: