How to change the default Sort for search results view

At some point recently, it seemed the instance wide search changed the default Sort selection for the search results page/listing. Now I see two options: Sort by Project or Sort by Relevance. Sort by Project is a very disorienting change for our users. Sort by Relevance more closely aligns (we think) with how the search results (basic or advanced) used to be. Can the Sort by be set org wide or user wide?

Hi @Brooke_Petit - to make sure I understand, are you saying you no longer have these options for sorting in your advanced search?

Could you post a screenshot of what you see in your search sorting options?

Many features, including search, default to the last way you used them. So, if you switch it back to “Sort By: Relevance”, you’ll likely find if you navigate away and come back, it should default to sort by relevance.

The exception is if you are visiting various saved searches. Each saved search will default to the last way you sorted that particular saved search.

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