How do we best integrate with Slack?

Our team found it frustrating that we received a Slack notification (or two) each time any changes were made on Asana.

Thanks for the question! The Slack integration is very customizable (more info here). If you’d prefer not to be bothered all the time by these notifications, I’d suggest that you consider changing where you receive these notifications.

For example, if you have it currently sent to a group channel and it’s creating a lot of noise, you might want to consider making a channel specifically for Asana notifications. You can then choose to mute the channel within your Slack settings.

How does the Slack integration work when I have multiple Asana workspaces. There seems to be no way of specifying a workspace when I add the integration. So when I do something like “/asana add Testing asana integration” it complains that it doesn’t know what workspace to add it to and tells me to specify a project, which doesn’t make sense.

There is a way to configure the integration wherein I specify a workspace, but the configuration seems to be for announcing changes to tasks to a public channel, not for executing commands to add or comment on tasks.