If you’re reading this post, it means you have probably attended our “Get more done with Asana Premium” workshop; so first of all, congratulations on completing this workshop and mastering the basics of Asana !
We have created this space for you to ask questions following the workshop you have attended, to connect with people you met during this event, and to continue the discussion online. This space is yours, so while we’re here to answer your questions, feel free to make it your own!
If you enjoyed this event and want to register for more Asana Together workshops, or if you’d like to recommend it to your team, check out our Event page. You can use the search bar to find future workshops coming near you and register for them!
Looking forward to hearing all the exciting stuff you’ve learned and to see you connect with each other!
I hope you’re all keeping well! Just a quick note to let you know the Asana Community Team continues its virtual Asana Together World Tour and will be delivering the Get more done with Asana workshop virtually from the following cities: