Filter tasks from Archived Projects out of Saved Searches

Is there a way to do this that I am missing?

This would be very helpful because open tasks from a project that has been archived are not going to be relevant to the majority of saved searches. If the project was archived, then people do not need to access those tasks and they are not helpful to the search.


The only way to filter out tasks in searches is by Complete, Incomplete, or Any. If you don’t want tasks to show from projects that have been archived it would be best to complete those tasks before you archive those projects.

Welcome, @Meg_Fiorentini,

In addition to @Christine_Bolton’s answer, you could also use other filters in an advanced search to help until/if Asana offers a not archived parameter:

  • In Teams: Useful if you were to move archived projects out of the teams you typically search in
  • Not in these projects (shown below): Useful, perhaps, if you maintain a saved search report with the set of archived project and start new searches by refining it for your search

Hope that helps,
