In the Event template, there were sections marked Pre-Event (week -6), Pre-Event (week -7) etc. When a project is created from this template - are the dates then put in manually, or is there a way for Asana to calculated dates for these weeks automatically?
Hi @Sandy_Nacht and thank you for reaching out!
If the template you are using has set dates, you can choose either a start date or an end date when creating the project and all the tasks with dates will be scheduled according your setting.
You can learn more about it in the following guide article: How to Use Asana Project Templates | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide
I hope this helps Sandy but please let me know if you have any follow-up question and I’ll be more than happy to assist you further! Have a great Friday!
It is very important to understand that it only works if the PROJECT has dates in its “info” panel.
Where is the template that Sandy mentions above for the event template? Can you please post a link to that? Thanks!
I have a similar problem with the Event Planning template (Log in - Asana)
I try to use the setup/info section to set dates for the project, but cannot pin down the actual day of the event.
When I put the event date as the “end date”, the template sets it post Event/4 weeks out from the event.
When I try to fix this by identifying the +4 weeks post event date and using that as the “end date”, then the event date is some date 4 weeks prior, but NOT the date I want.
Is there no way to enter the event date and have the pre- and post- event dates calculate from that?
Just got this bot response to my request for customer service help. Honestly, what’s the point of automating dates to count down to one date, when you can’t set that date for the reference point?
"That’s a great question and, at this time, it is not possible to do this with Asana, although I can certainly understand how this could improve our product!
To be completely honest, we don’t have any immediate changes for this planned in the near term, but I do want to note your request to make sure it gets to our Product team. Understanding your Asana needs and use cases like this is really important to us, and we do track all your feedback in order to improve the product. We review all product feature requests twice a year, and rank them accordingly to get them on our roadmap for future development."
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