Edit a summary within an update?

Does anyone know if there’s a way to edit the summary text within an update after it has been posted? I can see it’s possible to copy and paste text from a previous summary, then create a new update altogether but if someone needs to update the summary on a rolling basis, it would be helpful to edit the summary itself. Thanks in advance for any pointers.

@Nature_Lover - Do you want to edit previous updates or use their text as a template for a new update? The former is possible (for the update’s author) by clicking the 3 dots near the top right of the update. For the latter, I believe the closest thing possible is that the sections/widgets auto-carryover from the previous update (but not any of the written content, as you already know).

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A workaround is to copy the text from the previous summary, make the necessary edits, and then create a new update. This ensures that the information stays current and accurate. If the platform you are using supports version history or comments, you might also consider adding notes there for transparency and tracking changes.

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For what it’s worth, you can always recall the previous update to copy/paste any text by clicking on ‘Previous update’ in the panel on the right in the Status update editor window.

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Thanks so much @Stephen_Li, I’d tried that but with an update for which I wasn’t the author, so hadn’t appreciated that was possible. That’s solved the problem!