Drag & Drop Rules (Creating custom rule order) within the Customize menu

Hi there,
As a team that uses a lot of rules, I’m curious if anyone else has found a need for this. Our primary project has upwards of 26 rules to manage our approvals process across various designers & copywriters. As staffing & process changes, I do need to go in fairly regularly to make tweaks/pause rules for periods of time. Since Rules Names are not visible in the side panel without hovering individually, it would be helpful to be able to drag and drop/reorder/group rules to make them easier to manage since only 5 are visible at a time.

For example, if my Copy workflow is the most regularly used/updated the ability to group all of the rules impacting that workflow at the top of the project would help save time when troubleshooting rules or making changes.



I agree this would be useful, seeing the name would be even more.
If your workflow revolves around sections, you can also use the Workflow tab to get a better understanding/overview.

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I have a board with 41 rules (a set for each team member) that I would also LOVE to reorder and organize so that it’s easier for me to tweak. Please add this feature!

Totally voting for this! I have a board with 40+ rules, and they’re so mixed up. The OCD part of me hates it. I want to group items based on their function and I can’t. :sob: I also find it much harder to find a specific Rule at times. I have to go hunting for it. Please add this feature for us! :pray:

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A post was split to a new topic: Allow drag-drop to reorder triggers and actions within a rule

Please please please! This is critical to putting appropriate routing in place for certain workflows.


YES! I could not agree more with this! It would make my life about 1000x easier!


It would be nice to be able to move the rules around on the sidebar list like you can with the custom fields. The more rules you have the more messy it can get. I think it would be a simple but huge improvement. Thanks!


I need this feature! This would solve the current issue that I am having.

This would be awesome!

Totally agree! This would be extremely helpful!!!

Another vote to add this! Especially during initial implementation it’s really difficult to keep all the rules straight, even more so if they depend on each other.

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