customizing project status

Are we still unable to add more project status values? It would greatly benefit us for several reasons. Currently, this limitation hinders our ability to effectively report and filter projects by status. Customization and additional options are essential for accurate project management and reporting, which are crucial for our team’s operations. (Example: We might have a project that we need to document as internal only, but don’t want it at the task level, we cannot report on that today without a status customization. Or we might have project templates created for training or templates, we aren’t going to set one of the existing status values to that, it isn’t relevant, being able to set a status of template or training, would help us exclude those projects from reporting)

If you’re talking about the native project status, you cannot currently alter that. Depending on what you’re trying to do, you could just use a global custom field and portfolio containing that field and your projects.

For the reporting you’re describing, if you want to report on tasks in a subset of projects, you can’t yet marry project data and task reporting (this would also apply for the native project status), i.e. you can’t report on tasks in projects of a specific status. What you could try is using portfolios and the universal reporting feature to report on tasks in projects in a specific portfolio (then use those portfolios to represent internal/external projects, etc.).

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Hi @aclausen , apart from @Stephen_Li’s useful workaround and suggestions, you may also want to vote on this:

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Thank you for the response, in reading through her suggestions it doesn’t meet our needs. I do truly appreciate you commenting, and I have voted on the enhancement as well.