Custom Field Values API

Hi, I’m using the asana python API to extract tasks and their respective custom field values. I am able to only get the name of the task and the GID but no other custom field values are returned.

I have tried to use the opt_fields and I have tried opt_expand to no success.

    api_client = ApiClient()
    client = api_client.get_auth_client(use_client_access_token=True)
    params = {
        "opt_expand":"custom_fields, flat",
    tasks = client.tasks.find_all(params)

Hi Colin,

Try doing something like this instead:

tasks = client.tasks.find_by_project(project[‘gid’], {“opt_expand”:“name, projects, workspace, gid, due_on, created_at, modified_at, completed, completed_at, assignee, assignee_status, parent, tags, custom_fields”})