I believe that the CSV Export File has a potential bug described as follows.
If you request all tasks and subtasks assigned to an individual and they are assigned a subtask but not the parent task, the CSV file will not show the Project that the subtask is in (even though if you open the subtask it shows that it is is in the Parent Project). The CSV filet treats it as though their is no project. It will show the parent task (which is not assigned to the individual in my example) but then leaves the project blank. This is a definite bug or error in the CSV file export as you cannot sort by Project in a spreadsheet… Their is clearly a project assigned to the subtask but the column for project shows blank. I am trying hard to develop a tool to improve hard copy reporting which has been a fairly significant complaint that I am planning on giving away for free but this kind of makes it incomplete. I have already mentioned that CSV exports do not include Team and Sections, so these missing components combined with the bug make it difficult.
I would respectfully request that Asana, please confirm my observations and let me know if this is the kind of thing that is going to be on the roadmap for correction so I can determine whether to complete the tool. Thanks