When I convert a task to a project using a template ( via rule or manual )
the new project created will not inherit the Rules from the template!
is it normal ?
When I convert a task to a project using a template ( via rule or manual )
the new project created will not inherit the Rules from the template!
is it normal ?
@Cut_Design - welcome to the forum! This is not normal behavior, as anything (fields, rules, sections, etc.) in a project template should exist on all projects instantiated from it. When you say the new project doesn’t inherit the rules, can you describe what you do see in the customize menu of the new project?
@Stephen_Li thank you for your feedback, I see just Fields and Task Templates, but no rules
@Cut_Design - could you check your template and describe (or screenshot, removing any private info) the rule(s) you have there? And could you try instantiating a project from that template using the create button (instead of converting an existing task)?
@Stephen_Li If I start a new project using the template, it works fine
It is only when I convert from a task to a project ( manually or via a rule ) that the problem occurs.
this is a screen shot when create a project from template
and this is when I convert task to project
@Cut_Design - gotcha, that’s weird and I’m not aware of any reason that would be happening. I think your best bet is to submit a ticket by following these instructions (give them as much info up front as possible to accelerate the process):