
To whom it may concern,

My name is Giovani and I am software developer. I really like Asana and would like to contribute and no reimbursement is needed.

I just use Asana for almost everything and would like to see it grow.

If there is any way we’re I can contribute write me, this would be an amazing experience.

Giovani Rubini Maccagno.

Hi @anon97110148, welcome to the Community Forum and thanks for reaching out!

We have lots of ways for you to get connected with other people in the Asana community, contribute and share your knowledge. Learn more about Asana Together, our community program here: Asana community • Asana

I’ve removed your email address from you post as we cannot share personal details in the forum but users can contact you via DM in the forum or comment in this thread. I hope that’s ok!

Let me know if you have any questions!