I’ve been quiet too long about this… that’s it, I’ve cracked!
Call me a nerd and a consistency freak but is there a reason why the dropdown sizes of a single-select and multi-select fields are different? It would warm my heart to see these equally visually presented, both in length and width.
Single-select field options show 9 visible options within a scrollable container:
The width difference makes total sense to me; the multi-select needs a wider control as it needs to be able to display multiple selections within it, unlike the single-select.
The height difference makes no sense! The multi-select should be the same longer height as the single-select, for sure.
Actually that wouldn’t be standard; a dropdown list and a list of items with radio buttons are two distinct and mutually-exclusive ways to implement a selection of a single item from a set of items.
Well, I would challenge the ‘width’ because we still have the same space on the left which is either for the in the single-select or the in the multi-select, right? So why the extra width on the right of the multi-select
I didn’t follow your point about the left-hand side - I’m not following why that’s relevant - but the reason the multi-select should be wider is if it were the same width as the single-select then this: