Completed task has shown up in "my priorities" for months and won't go away

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: I’ve had a task in “my priorities” on the “home” screen for probably 6 months. I’ve tried to make it go away, but the little check circle is grayed out and the item is bolded.

Steps to reproduce: I don’t know.

Browser version: Desktop version, not on the chrome version of Asana

Upload screenshots below:
asana issue
asana issue not there

Hi @Ashley_Bryers, I’d suggest reaching out to the Support team with the URL of the task so they can look into this further for you.

You can reach them by following these steps:

I hope this helps!

Thank you! However, when I search for the task I can’t find it, so there isn’t a task URL to share with them. I will still reach out to them and see if they can help delete it.

Thanks again,

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