"Completed On" field not in templates

In projects I’m able to add the “Completed On” field (which i find very helpful) by going to the “Customize” menu and toggling it on. This “Completed On” field is not available in the templates, which means that every time i create a new project i have to manually add this field to the project.

Am I not seeing this in the “Customize” menu in templates or is it just not there?

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It’s just not there.

Asana added 4 “metadata” fields to regular projects just a few days ago, but they have not similarly made them available in the new Project Templates 2.0. Hopefully they will in the future!

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How can I add the “Completed On” Colulmn to my template? I don’t see any option to un-hide it like we can in the project view. Right now I’m creating a new project from my template, and then I have to un-hide the completed on column for each new project.

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We are also trying to make this Completed On field a standard field in our Templates. It seems odd that this is an Asana field option and we cannot use it at the template level. Any update on this being updated?

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Has there been any progress in determining weather Asana will add Completed On column to Project Templates? If it’s in the works, is there an estimated timeline? Thank you.

Welcome, @Janet_Taylor,

Asana doesn’t publish a roadmap but they will update this thread when there’s news.



new user here, but quickly found that using project templates is the move in tracking all the repeated tasks in new hire onboarding & orientation. I like to duplicate the project with each new hire class- almost every field is available in templates, except “completed on” as others have mentioned. This seems like a no-brainer- can you please add this with the rest of the fields in templates?

Along the same lines, I’d like to also request adding the “Last Modified” field as well to templates.

Hi, It appears that certain fields, such as Created by, Created on, Completed on, and Collaborators, are absent when saving the project as a template, despite their presence in the original project. While these fields can be added manually post-template creation, this undermines the intended purpose of creating and saving a template.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new project by adding the fields Created by, Created on, Completed on, and Collaborators.
  2. Save it as a template.

Browser version: Google Chrome Version 129.0.6668.59 (Official Build) (64-bit)


Your suggestions or potential alternatives would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and best regards.


I’m afraid project templates don’t support all features of projects.

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