Can Custom Fields ever be used when creating a project?

I’m creating projects via the API, which has an option to specify custom fields and associated values. However, my understanding is that custom fields can’t be added to a project unless it is in a portfolio that includes those custom fields. It is also my understanding that projects can’t be added to a portfolio during creation and must be added as a portfolio item afterwards. Given all that, when is it possible to use custom fields during project creation?

I’ve figured out how to do what I want to do, so this is mostly a curiosity question.

Hi @Brent_Barron and welcome to the forum!

No, you can add a custom field to a project using this endpoint regardless of whether the project is in a portfolio or not. It’s just a lot less visible if it’s not in a portfolio; you have to go to “Edit project details” in the Asana UI in order to view/edit the field’s value: