Bring back ability to manually / custom reorder projects via drag & drop on Teams Overview page

I agree! Having something like a category or section on a team page would be helpful…then being able to sort within each category or section.

Was there an announcement email about this change and I just missed it? I hate logging into the software and being surprised when things have moved (again).

Anytime stuff is moved, there should be a notification that tells us “Hey! Heads up! Your projects will soon be sorted in alphabetical order and any order you previously had will be lost”.

Hi Katie, I don’t think you would receive an email announcement of this change, but I agree it would be useful!

For what it’s worth, here is the public announcement as I mentioned, above here:

Ditto that removing this feature has messed up our whole teams organising system of 40+ projects in our team.

This needs way more votes!

I would love a preview of what exactly are the “more things to come on the Team page,” because the current update makes me concerned about future updates - not particularly excited about them.