ASANA in school

Hi everyone,

I teach high school computer science and we’ve started using Asana as our go to system for student feedback. Here’s how we do it.

We set up a class (have to split into 2 teams for free version) and invite the students to join. We then create a template of sections with learning goals/objectives (e.g. data representation, logic gates) and name a project for each student.

They have sections and under each they or we create targets for them.

This is excellent because all my feedback is located in one place and students and their teacher can see feedback and respond to it. It’s a relatively new project for us so we are learning as we go.

However, we can’t afford the premium. Will Asana ever offer an education discount or similar?



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Hi @James_Scutt

I don’t know if you’d qualify, but it’s worth reading this:

HI @James_Scutt and welcome to the Forum!

Not sure if you qualify for the non-profit discount mentioned by @Mark_Hudson, but you can also apply for a 6 months free student trial! More info :point_right:Asana for Students - Keep School Work Organized - Free Trial • Asana

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any follow-up questions!

Thanks Mark


Great use case, and most manager’s can take a page out of your book when it comes to collaborating on objectives for their direct reports.

I have tried to get an educational discount for . I didn’t get the 50% discount. We educate therapists / social work. Our students are social workers. Can you help us to get a discount. We applied at Techsoup. Please help. Have a nice day.

Hi @Marie I tried to sign up for the education plan for our high school and it said “Ineligible Schools. We are sorry, people from these schools are not eligible for this offer: x
Spanaway Lake High School (Spanaway, WA)” Is there any other way to access the premium plan for high schools? Thank you!