Hello! I’m trying to get some boards information from a asana project and I need to run (update) the script all day long. However I’m trying to authorize wiith OAuth2 (with client ID and client secret) but the authorization returns failed. When I try to authorize with bearer code the script can authorize and access the information needed. But the bearer code need to be refreshed once a hour, and I need to run this code all day long. Is there other way to authorize the script?
Python code:
#OAuth2 credentials
client = asana.Client.oauth(
client_id= ‘ID’,
client_secret=’ SECRET’,
#Try to authorize
(url, state) = client.session.authorization_url()
#here returns unauthorized
print(“authorized=”, client.session.authorized)
#Getting and trying bearer code
# in a web app you’d redirect the user to this URL when they take action to
# login with Asana or connect their account to Asana
import webbrowser
except Exception as e:
print(“Open the following URL in a browser to authorize:”)
#enter with bearer coded
code = input(“Copy and paste the returned code from the browser and press enter:”)
token = client.session.fetch_token(code=code)
exchange the code for a bearer token
os.environ[‘ASANA_TOKEN’] = json.dumps(token)
#here returns authorized
print(“authorized=”, client.session.authorized)