Allow column expansion for Projects titles in Timeline view of Portfolios

Frustrating that the Title of projects is very limited in the Timeline view of a Portfolio. Can we adjust the column so that the title is fully visible and/or provide a text wrap capability? This is a great view for Execs and frustrating that they ask to expand the title column so they can see the names of the projects that comprise the portfolio, and I say can’t be done. And they say, what? Am I missing something or is there a hack that doesn’t require export to Sheets or Excel or Airtable?

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Hello @Diana_L_Smith
Welcome to the forum.

You can certainly change the size of the column from the portfolio view just like you do with excel. Simply click on the column border and drag wider or narrower as you wish.

I hope this helps!

Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 11.11.56


Not list view Rashad. I was specifically mentioning the Timeline view which is why I put this question in this category. And I cannot change the size of the column of the project title field in that view which as I mention is a much more powerful view for Stakeholders. Do you have a solution for this within the platform?

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Unless I am missing something, this is something that should be functioning out of the box. Doesn’t anyone else have this problem and can escalate? My workaround for now is to really shorten the title of the projects so that the one or two words that you can see in this view are descriptive enough. This is unacceptable to me.


Hi @Diana_L_Smith you are 100% right.

Apologies, I missed the timeline view part.
I have unresolved the post, and changed the category from tips and tricks into product feedback. Now you can everyone else can cast their vote on this feedback and hopefully it gets picked up by asana.

I have changed the title of the post slightly to make it clearer for the feedback.


100% agree the columns need to be adjustable. I cannot even put the title Strategic Objective One (Communication" without it all disappearing. Adjusting the column or even better, word wrap would be very useful.

hi ,
@rashad_issa has there been any update on this ?

Hi @Rashad_Issa , I’d also like an update on this function - it’s a serious UI problem and surely a very simple fix?

Hi @Tim_Morrison , an update to Portfolio’s Timeline view should be coming soon, hoping it will also solve this issue.

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