Advanced Search Leaving Out Tasks

Hello! I use the advanced search feature to track tasks over multiple projects so I can see daily what is due in a given day and like to view in calendar format. 2 days ago it started to leave out subtasks even though the filter is set up properly. I also am unable to click into the subtask when viewing in calendar view, I have to right click and click into new tab. I’m not sure if anyone else is experiencing this?

Welcome, @Morgan_Horowitz,

I think I noticed this was a bug that was fixed in the last day or so. If still an issue for you, Try these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.



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this is still an issue for me. see attached. You can see the long list of task in the list view but when I go to calendar view it only shows 4 tasks. please advise! I am able to click into task from calendar view now



This is still an issue for our team as well. Looking at the topics, it seems particular to Calendar view and searches. @lpb I’ll also note I submitted a ticket 7 days ago and have received no response.

@lpb the ticket that was resolved conflated this issue with not being able to click through from tasks. other submissions have noted the calendar view not fully populating such as Urgent: Immediate Fix Needed for Calendar View Issue (tasks hiding) - #4 by Phil_Seeman and another that I submitted Saved Searches bug not resolved, Calendar view still not showing all tasks

This remains a critical bug for several teams b/c users may be unaware they are missing tasks or deadlines if they don’t continuously toggle between list and calendar mode.

Sorry, @Byron_Alday.

I’ve unmarked the solution here.

Support has been backed up of late.

@Forum-team, since this is affecting multiple folks, please consider if this (and the other open topic) could be escalated



Thanks very much, @lpb! We appreciate it.

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We are also having the same issue, I opened a forum topic here before I saw this topic.

We have been experiencing issues with the search results showing all items in calendar view. We have noticed about a week or so ago that not all tasks in a saved search would show in the calendar view but show completely in the list view. This calendar view is very critical for us as a time to filter out assignable actionable tasks that are usually subtasks of larger tasks to showcase daily/weekly actionable items for our team. We also review this daily with the team.

As you can see in the example we have individual assigned tasks that are tagged by the type of task. The list view over the 2 days has much more than what is shown on the calendar view.

Bump! This remains a significant impediment to our teams.

@Eric_Johnson and @Byron_Alday,

Did either of you Try these troubleshooting steps, then create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team?



@lpb unfortunately for me, the tips did not work and the bug persists. I submitted a ticket (case 00777594) on 11/7 about the issue, but have not yet received a response. Thanks for your help!

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Sorry to hear that, @Byron_Alday. I imagine you will hear back soon, and I’ll see if it’s possible to expedite.

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Hi @Byron_Alday, sorry to hear that you haven’t received a reply from Support yet. It looks like your case might have been misrouted, but I’ve escalated your request internally so that Support can track it and assist you as soon as possible.

@Eric_Johnson, if you are still running into issues, I’d recommend reaching out to Support as well. They will be better equipped to investigate this specific issue.

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Hi everyone, apologies for the hassle, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’ve merged the threads reporting the same issue so we can track everything in one place. We’ve flagged these reports to our Developers for investigation, but they haven’t confirmed whether it’s a bug yet.

Since investigating this issue would require access to project and account details (which we don’t have here in the Forum), it’s still recommended to submit a request to our Support team with the IDs of the impacted projects. They’ll be able to gather the necessary information for our Developers to troubleshoot each case.

I’ll keep you posted, and if the issue is confirmed as a bug, I’ll move this thread to our Critical Bugs section, where you can follow along for updates. Thanks so much for your patience!

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Thanks, @Vanessa_N. I received a response from Support and have submitted a requested screen recording of the issue. I will keep this thread updated on any info I learn.

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Thanks very much, @Vanessa_N and @Byron_Alday, for following through on this.

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Thank you for your patience, everyone. Our Developers are investigating this issue as a bug, so I’m moving the topic to our Critical Bugs section. As soon as I have any updates on the progress I’ll comment in the thread.


Thanks for the follow up, @Vanessa_N. We’ll keep an eye on it there.