Adding Forms as Data attached to existing tasks

Hi All,

Fairly new to working with Asana and looking to utilise this for Employee case management.
Our project runs with each individual employee as a task with subtasks for scheduled check-ins to see how they are going. These check-ins have set questions that are needed for reporting on the entire group but we also need these attached to each individual.

Am I best to create these separately in Microsoft Forms/Typeform etc or is there a way that I could use ASANA Forms to track this. To the best of my understanding Asana forms are awesome for creating tasks but not so much for updating existing ones.


Welcome, @Monique_Rennie,

You’re correct that forms create new tasks only.

Are the people who you expect would fill out the forms team members who use Asana? The form would take them out of Asana so if this is the case, I’d see about using the Rules feature to maybe append structured subtask(s) for each check-in. For overall reporting on the entire group, perhaps use the project Status feature.

It’s hard to do workflow design in a Forum, so I hope that may be helpful but it’s the best I can do without being able to do discovery on your process and the specifics.



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