Add a dislike button in Asana

To give proper feedback it would be great to have also an dislike button (buttons down) :blush:

(I don´t know if this topic already exists :slight_smile: )

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Hi @SylviaW, thanks for reaching out! Happy to give you more details about this but can you confirm if you wish a dislike button in Asana or in the Forum so you can cast you don’t like the new updates in the product? :slight_smile:

Oh sorry for not mentioning that! I ment Asana by itself. :blush:

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Asana should have a “dislike this” thumbs down button to accompany the “like this” thumbs up button.

Hi @Jeffrey_Stuffings, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback! I’ll keep you posted on this thread if I have any updates :slight_smile:

I highly support the idea.
In today’s business and development world, unprofessional and inappropriate comments on asana tasks should be open for instant, respective, and effective feedback. The “Dislike” button next to the “Like” button could be a useful option.
