Ability to access archived projects from the Team home page

Can there be an easier way to show archived projects? I know you can see archived projects when you expand a team in the left navigation bar. However, our organization has hundreds of teams (we use them for clients as well as internal teams), and thousands of projects. Trying to find the archived projects takes more time than it should.

Could there be a way to add a link to the archived projects on the Team home page? It would be much simpler than using the left nav bar. Additionally, it would be great to have some option in the User Profile to allow Archived Projects to show up in the Team list of Projects in general (maybe at the end with the archive icon).

Hi @Tiara_Moske, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us! I’ve updated the title to make it more discoverable for other users so they can upvote for this feature. In the meantime, you can also access an archived project is by searching it from the search bar. We don’t have plans to launch this feature in the near future but I’ll keep you updated if we have any news!

Seems like this is now possible!
Look for the filter in the top right of your projects list within a Team page

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