504 Errors 6/17/2024

A majority of users are reporting 504 Gateway Timeout Errors & Could not log you into Asana errors. I’m not seeing any reported outages/issues for today. What could be causing this issue?


Same. I don’t understand why the Status page takes so long to update itself.

Having 504 errors, and numerous Zap failures that rely on the API.

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Likewise–504 Gateway Timeout errors whenever we try to use our integrations, and then also a yellow “changes syncing” banner whenever anyone tries to upload anything. My guess is an outage; but would love confirmation from the status page.

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I’m also seeing lots of issues in Flowsana executions.

I’ve messaged my contacts at Asana, waiting to hear back.

The status page not updating is a longstanding issue that I’ve raised multiple times but their current technical infrastructure prevents it from being updated automatically so there is almost always a lag.

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Same issue here. I’ve got users getting 504 Gateway Timeout simply trying to log into their Asana accounts on the desktop app and via web browser.

This issue is being worked on. You can follow updates here and share with stakeholders / customers. Asana Status - Elevated error rates

As some have noted, this issue is not specific to the API.




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