Webhooks, duplicate events

It’s remarkable to me that this is still an issue, 4 years after being reported. Any automation built on webhooks comes with issues of 2-4 duplicate triggers. @Phil_Seeman - who from Asana do you recommend I touch base with on this. There’s no way I’m the only one constantly struggling with this.

I wouldn’t put any weight on the length of time; I don’t think they consider it an issue so I don’t think there’s any plan to change it (at least that I’ve heard about, but that’s certainly not definitive).

Let me see what I can learn and will report back.

@Phil_Seeman - I appreciate your help. It just strikes me as odd that it might not be a big deal to them… because I haven’t dealt with this with webhooks from other platforms. Is this common?

Hi @Bryan_TeamKickstart

Kem from the Developer Relations team here. I understand your frustration; this has obviously been longstanding issue with webhooks. To clarify, it’s not that we don’t see this as an issue, it’s that properly fixing it involves quite a bit of work given how our messaging infrastructure works. We have not been able to prioritize this work against competing priorities so far.

Have you observed any patterns where certain events are always sent in duplicates? If so, can you please share them with me? I can ask our infra engineers to examine whether there might be a bug outside of the messaging framework that might be causing this.



Hi @Kem_Ozbek,

Noting here that I have a webhook set to pick up any task thats been added to a particular project. And it gets maybe 4 duplicates almost every time.

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@Emily_Roman @Marie @Vanessa_N (I don’t know who to @mention on this):

As you all well know, I LOVE Asana.
But, can I plead with you on this? Duplicate webhooks have been a problem (as seen here) for SIX years or more.

Webhooks are at the CORE of integrations and automations. This is a HUGE problem as I build automations for every client. Is there any chance this could get some actual developer attention for a fix?

If not, I’d love to understand why Asana devs don’t see this as a core, core issue for partners and clients alike.

By the way, here are at least a dozen other posts reporting the same, super cumbersome, serious issue (there are around 12-15 in this list specifically addressing duplicate webhooks, or as some put it, “Noisy Webhooks”)

Better to @mention some folks on the dev side of things:
@John_Baldo @Kem_Ozbek

Hi @Bryan_TeamKickstart, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. I’m afraid I don’t have any new updates at this time. However, I want to assure you that our Dev team is aware of this thread and feedback, here is the last update and more details. We will make sure to post any updates when we have more information.

I have gone ahead and merged a couple of duplicate threads we had opened for this topic so we keep all feedback consolidated on this thread. Thanks for flagging that!

@Emily_Roman - Thank you so much for your reply and for linking me to @Kem_Ozbek 's response. As you can see, I never responded to Kem and unfortunately don’t remember ever seeing the response. I knew I had commented on this issue before but couldn’t find my comments. I appreciate the help merging the conversations.

@Kem_Ozbek - I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to respond and explain, and your openness to exploring further the issues my clients and I are experiencing. I apologize that I somehow missed your response and your effort to help.

To provide meaningful feedback, I’ll begin to track which types of webhooks this happens most commonly with and I’ll circle back with you once I have the details you are asking for.

As I said, I truly LOVE Asana and you’ve all built quite an incredible platform. I don’t want my energy on this topic to overshadow how much respect and awe I have for what you all are accomplishing.

Thanks again for responding and I’ll get back to you with the details you asked for.

After struggling with getting webhooks working for the past two days in response to stories with sub resource type comments added working, I’m incredibly frustrated to see that A webhooks don’t actually work as documented and B. That this has been a known problem for 6+ years.

The fact that this hasn’t been fixed yet, or even made it into the docs is so damm frustrating.

My specific scenario is a master project that has tasks that are multihomed to other projects. I have only 1 webhook. I post a new webhook and I get a whole flurry of posts to my webhook. The webhook setup is filtered to capture just comments being added, but I’m getting duplicate events, and some with slight variation that look like they are being triggered by the attachment added event too.

I have worked with a lot of APIs ( I’m on Google’s test team for new features in the search console API) and this has easily been the most frustrating experience I’ve had integrating via webhooks.