Webhooks and Events: Possible Downtime on August 27th

Hello developers,

Our team is currently in the process of transitioning our API events queue to MemoryDB. We’re confident that this migration will be smooth and won’t cause any disruptions. However, to ensure everything goes perfectly, we’re setting up a brief maintenance window.

We’ll be conducting this maintenance on Sunday, August 27th, scheduled between 10:00am to 12:00pm PDT. While we don’t foresee any downtime, there is a slight possibility that some events might be dropped during this timeframe. To stay in the loop, please don’t hesitate to check out our status page.

We deeply appreciate your ongoing support and understanding. Your collaboration is invaluable to us!



cc @Phil_Seeman just in case


Did the maintenance already start? My webhook just stopped working :frowning:


No, don’t think so - mine are working properly.

Thanks for your response. I deleted the webhook and re-created it. Now it works again :man_shrugging: