Unveiling the Asana Enterprise Work Graph

Thanks to all of you that joined us for Scale yesterday! We hope you enjoyed getting to hear from Asana customers Xero and Okta, as well our special guest Amy Edmondson on her groundbreaking research into psychological safety.

Yesterday, we officially announced the Asana Enterprise Work Graph, with a suite of new features designed to help even the most complex enterprises adapt with clarity, flexibility, and confidence. With Asana, align your organization with Goals, make cross-team collaboration more efficient with seamless Workflows, get real-time insights with Universal Reporting, and trust your work is secure and scalable with new features available now for IT & Security leaders, including:

We also highlighted features launching in the next 3-6 months, which include:

  • A new and improved Home
  • Workflow Builder
  • Workflow Library
  • Time Series as part of Universal Reporting
  • and Enterprise Key Management (EKM)

You also saw some tools our team is actively building to ensure that organizations can work more effectively than ever before. These, just as some of the features mentioned above, continue to bring to life our vision for the Future of Asana. Thank you for your support as we bring this bold vision to life!

We will be back on November 11th to give even more context to our Scale and Security features. Until then, thank you for joining us and please reach out should you have any questions about any of the features we’ve shared above.



Very excited about these new features! I think when I saw the Workflow builder and Library I nearly fell out of my chair. that is hands down what I am most excited for!


Hi Emily,

Would you please send me the video? I couldn’t make it when it was scheduled.


I signed up to attend but couldn’t make it after all. Can you send a link to the recording?


Very exciting news. I really enjoyed the presentation and I am looking forward to the new features!

Hi! Possible to see recordings from Scale?

Hi everyone! If you couldn’t attend Scale, you can register to watch the recording here! :video_camera: :sparkles:


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