task description will not allow multiple google hyperlinks in description anymore

what to do! It will only allow me to connect to google drive, and show only one file name. Can’t do multiple hyperlinks within the task description [not able to make a display name]

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Hi @nyprosell

Would you please attach a screenshot, as I’m not able to reproduce on my end.

Thanks :wink:

I also saw this when using the Googe Drive App integrations.
A workaround is to

  1. add text to the desctiption (eg. the filename)
  2. copy the URL of the file
  3. Select the text in the descrtiption
  4. use Crtl+K to update the link
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like susan prosell.us reacted to your message:

I will tr later tonight thanks!

Thank you,

I’m also having this problem, I need to attach 3 google drive docs to each of my tasks, we connected the app so we have a g drive field but it only allows for one doc.

Hi @Clare9, welcome to our Community Forum! At this time, the integration only supports one doc at a time, but I’d also recommend the workaround shared by Paul above:

  1. add text to the desctiption (eg. the filename)
  2. copy the URL of the file
  3. Select the text in the description
  4. use Crtl+K to update the link

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