Status fields for tasks, sub tasks, sub-sub tasks

Hi there,

I’m looking to add task status fields within sub-sub-tasks and sub-sub-sub-tasks. Really to any level of task. The reason being is to maximise efficiency for my team, as we work across multiple projects/tasks that are granular in detail for domestic and international companies and to minimise comms and follows ups across different departments.

This is a standardised feature for Asanas major competitors so to have this within Asana would be invaluable.

Did you consider have the status field in everybody’s My Tasks so it shows up on any task assigned to someone?

I am always being vary cautious about status fields (like in progress, blocked, completed) because from experience they rarely get updated properly and end up being irrelevant…

FYI I moved this to the Tips and Tricks forum section (Developers & API is for developer topics regarding programming to the Asana API).

Another option, with some pros and cons, would be to use Asana’s Tags feature.

