NodeJS SDK v3 updating custom_fields doesn't work.

Hi there and thank you for helping me! I’ve went through every single “solution” I could find but nothing works! You see, on my asana project I have on every task a custom field, its a dropdown and its just for status updates “Not Started”, “In Progres”… “Completed” etc. I have IDs of all of those and I can create a task and set all that and it all works fine and dandy, but updating a task does not work no matter what, here is test code

I use SDK v3 NodeJs, I use asana@3.0.10

const Asana = require(‘asana’);
const asanaClient = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
const token = asanaClient.authentications[‘token’];
token.accessToken = process.env.ASANA_TOKEN;

const tasksApi = new Asana.TasksApi();

const taskID = ‘MYID’;
const customFieldID = ‘CUSTOMFIELDID’;
const newStatusID = ‘NEWSTATUSID’;

async function updateTaskStatus() {
try {
const updatePayload = {
data: {
custom_fields: {
[customFieldID]: newStatusID

    console.log('Update Payload:', JSON.stringify(updatePayload, null, 2));

    const response = await tasksApi.updateTask(taskID, updatePayload);

    console.log('Update Response:', response);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error updating task status:', error.response ? : error.message);



It never works, I always get “Error updating task status: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘hasOwnProperty’)”

IMPORTANT: I tried formatting the json in every way possible, i looked at all of the forum posts of similar issues but no matter what it doesnt work.
const updatePayload = {
“data”: {
“custom_fields”: {
customFieldID: newStatusID

I tried it this way too doesnt work, and yes i even tried the other “solution”
const updatePayload = {
“data”: {
“custom_fields”: {
customFieldID: newStatusID
“name”: “taskname”

My IDs are all correct, And I just can’t find the solution…
I appreciate your help!

Hi @Hextia,

I’ve not used the Javascript SDK, but looking at the sample code here, it looks like the UpdateTask method takes the body as the first parameter and the task ID as the second, which is the opposite of what you have in your code.

Further to my point, it looks like this person had the exact same issue: Unable to update custom field value in a task using the node library - #3 by Scott_Beeson

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