Is Python Webhook example outdated?

Hey, I’m following the next example from official docs.

I’m using postman to create the Webhook I’m using something like this

    "data": {
        "filters": [
                "action": "added",
                "resource_type": "task"
        "resource": "PROJECT_GID",
        "target": ""

My webhook server is a django project running with python3. This is my viewset

class CreateAsanaTaskWebhookHandler(CreateAPIView):
    """ Handle Asana webhook to create a new task. """
    serializer_class = AsanaTaskSerializer
    secret_name = 'Create AsanaTask Webhook Secret'
    permission_classes = [AllowAny]

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'X-Hook-Secret' in request.headers:
            secret = request.headers['X-Hook-Secret']
                    'secret': secret,

            response = Response(status=200)
            response['X-Hook-Secret'] = secret
            return response

        if 'X-Hook-Signature' in request.headers:
            webhook_secret = AsanaWebHookSecret.objects.filter(

            if not webhook_secret:
                return Response(
                    data={'detail': 'X-Hook-Secret not found.'},

            secret = webhook_secret.secret
            signature =
                secret.encode('ascii', 'ignore'),
                msg=str('ascii', 'ignore'),

            if not hmac.compare_digest(
                signature.encode('ascii', 'ignore'),
                request.headers["X-Hook-Signature"].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                return Response(
                    data={'detail': 'Invalid X-Hook-Signature.'},

        return Response(status=400)

I have the same problem described in this issue in github WebHook: Python3 - TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing · Issue #24 · Asana/devrel-examples · GitHub
But the real problem are on these lines

            if not hmac.compare_digest(
                signature.encode('ascii', 'ignore'),
                request.headers["X-Hook-Signature"].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                return Response(
                    data={'detail': 'Invalid X-Hook-Signature.'},

For some reason this block of code is executed even if the request comes from Asana. I really appreciate some help I think I’m missing something important.
Please ignore the django stuffs.

The example is not outdated, it is just different from yours. You are using django rest framework where the is a dict object, while it should be a byte array or alike. So you should just use request.body directly and no need to encode it.

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