"Invalid Request: The remote server which is intended to receive the webhook did not respond with the handshake secret.


I’m trying to create a webhook with the python-asana client within Odoo 14.
I get the X-Hook-Secret but when I try to send it back to asana, I get this error:
"Invalid Request: The remote server which is intended to receive the webhook did not respond with the handshake secret.

from odoo import http
from odoo.http import request, Response 

BASE_URL = '...'
WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT = 'receive-webhook/'

def register_webhook(resource_id = '...'):
    req = {"resource": resource_id, "target": BASE_URL + WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT }

class WebHookController(http.Controller):
    @http.route('/'+WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT, type='json', auth='none', csrf=False)
    def post(self, **kwargs):
        # Retrieve the X-Hook-Secret header from the request
        handshake_secret = request.httprequest.headers.get('X-Hook-Secret')
        if handshake_secret:
            # Send the handshake secret back to complete the handshake
            headers = [('X-Hook-Secret', handshake_secret)]
            return Response("ok", status=200, headers=headers)
            # process the request...

Thank you for any suggestions!