Insert expand/collapse sections within my comment/message

I often write a lot and can’t always dumb it down to a sentence or two. Trying to respond to others with just enough detail to be helpful can take up a lot more space in a message than other people in the task can follow. Therefore, I’d like to be able to make parts of my comment collapsed so the other task members aren’t overwhelmed by anything that’s longer than 1 sentence.

For example, sometimes a question is asked but the answer isn’t cut and dry. There are basically ‘if/then’ situations that I need to clarify, but the other person really doesn’t need to see the ‘then’ response(s) if the ‘if’ doesn’t apply.

Refer to the following screenshot as an example of what to integrate in our task comments and messages.

This was a snippet from an ultimateblocks webpage regarding expand/collapse text area functionality in wordpress.

This would be super helpful in the Inbox as well. I’d love to be able to briefly see what’s in my Inbox before looking at the details of each task/message.

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