[Improved] Team sharing for goals

Original announcement


Earlier this year, we announced the ability to add teams as members of goals:

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In our effort to have API parity with the web product and to enable large customers to programmatically manage Asana at scale, we have created a new pattern in the API for resource memberships.


Today, these endpoints support adding teams as members:

Over time, we’re planning to extend this functionality to other Work Graph resources such as projects, portfolios, and workspaces. Each resource will have an independent migration period as it transitions to support “team sharing.”

Here’s what the goal team-sharing migration may look like:

Special considerations:

Will teams support teams as members?
No, teams will not be able to have other teams as members. This functionality is limited to adding individual users as members of teams.

What if I don’t use goal memberships?
If you don’t currently use Goal memberships, you don’t need to take any immediate action. However, if you use memberships for other purposes, you’ll eventually need to migrate to the /memberships endpoint as we roll out these changes incrementally.

What about standard access levels?
We’ve deferred the implementation of standard access levels for two reasons:

  1. Standard access levels are currently available for only some Work Graph resources.
  2. Combining team sharing and standard access levels adds complexity for developers, especially as both features are being rolled out incrementally, one Work Graph resource at a time.

Questions & feedback

If you have any questions, ideas, or need guidance on implementing these changes, please don’t hesitate to post here.


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