Implementing the Batch API with PHP client library

Hello, Asana community! Thanks for having me. :smile:

This morning, I checked the forum for how to use the Batch API with the PHP client library. I saw a few posts about the Python library, but nothing really told me how to make use of this essential feature!

Well, I just figured it out, so I’d like to help others by sharing an example function. :rainbow: :sparkles: :unicorn:

Example Function

Here’s the function I wrote that submits a Batch request to tag and comment a task:

function tag_and_comment( string $task_gid, string $tag_gid, string $comment, string $opt_fields ) : array {

 $opt_fields = explode( ',', $opt_fields );

 $data = [
   'actions' => [
       'method' => 'POST',
       'relative_path' => sprintf( '/tasks/%s/addTag', $task_gid ),
       'data' => [
         'tag' => $tag_gid,
       'options' => [
         'fields' => $opt_fields,
       'method' => 'POST',
       'relative_path' => sprintf( '/tasks/%s/stories', $task_gid ),
       'data' => [
         'text' => $comment,
       'options' => [
         'fields' => $opt_fields,

 //$asana is the authenticated \Asana\Client instance
 return $asana->post( '/batch', $data );


Looking at the docs for how to submit parallel requests, you’ll see that the /batch endpoint takes an array of actions to process. Use the \Asana\Client::post() method to post data to the endpoint.

Example Output

An array of response data per each request will be returned. For the above example, that looks like this, from a var_dump():

array(2) {
  object(stdClass)#2076 (3) {
    object(stdClass)#2075 (1) {
      object(stdClass)#2074 (0) {
    object(stdClass)#2077 (0) {
  object(stdClass)#2080 (3) {
    object(stdClass)#2079 (1) {
      object(stdClass)#2078 (1) {
        string(16) "1234567890"
    object(stdClass)#2081 (0) {

Data Structure

For quick reference, the $data for the /batch POST request is structured like so:

  $data = [
    'actions' => [
        'method' => '',
        'relative_path' => '',
        'data' => [
          'key' => '',
        'options' => [
          'key' => '',

Potential Reason for “Bad Request” Response

When using the Asana Batch API in another implementation, I was repeatedly receiving the simple error message response “Bad Request”. This unhelpful error message is a real pain, but I did figure out one common point of failure: The options value CANNOT be a CSV string. The value MUST be an array of strings. In my sample code, the explode is crucial:

$opt_fields = explode( ',', $opt_fields );


This batch request functionality really kicked my processing into high-gear! :horse_racing: Its efficiency is immediately noticeable, even when testing on a super small scale. :eyes:


Hi @Michelle_Blanchette
Welcome to community…

And huge thanks for taking the time to submit the example. I am sure it will be used by members of the community…


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