I am trying to pass in a people_value object to a custom field. However the field is not populated when I try to pass in the people_value object. I feel like I have something slightly off or wrong on the syntax. Any help is appreciated!
Thanks for responding @Bastien_Siebman, however that raises the following error. I can’t quite figure out the right valid format of the object to send.
asana.error.InvalidRequestError: Invalid Request: people_value: Value is not an object
I have no problem getting a 200 response when providing an object value for a people-type custom field’s GID, yet the people-type field remains blank in the task after the supposedly successful update.
All attempts received a 200 response but resulted in no change to the People field (field gid = 1202887864833071 in this case).
Please let me know when there is satisfactory documentation on updating a task’s people field value. Alternatively, if someone has managed to successfully update a task’s people field value via the API, please share your secret sauce!!