Make it so when adding a field there is a locations option. When you add the locations field you should start typing an address and have it powered by google or someone similar so it gives you an exact address.
That would quite nice indeed
Yes, can we please get this feature? Would be very helpful like an adress where the project is or if you want to assigne a person the project’s adress.
This would be huge and move Asana into the business management software solutions.
Hi @anon28983791 , great suggestion, you have my vote! However, I’ve used the below workaround with some clients so far, although I admit it is not exactly what you are voting for…
If you are on a Premium or Business plan, you can create a text-type custom field in which you can input a link to Google Maps, whilst also having another text field for the actual address/location.
By clicking on the ‘Visit Link’ icon, it will open up the location in Google Maps💡
If you use the Board view, it will still show up on the task’s card but it will not be clickable (so best to just hide the Google Maps field - just leave the address/location text field if you want it visible). You will need to click on the task’s card to enter the Task Details panel and open the Google Maps link from there.
To get the link from Google Maps, search for the address, click the ‘Share’ button, click ‘Copy Link’ and paste it into your relevant custom field in Asana
This would be terrific. I would like to be able to see points of where all of my projects are located on a Google Maps integration. Many other PM apps have this map view. Thank
The ability to enter an address field and that places a pin onto a map tab (potentially google earth .kmz export). Show all pins within a project.
Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @George_Stephens!
I have merged your post into an existing feedback request thread. Don’t forget to upvote there.
Hi everyone,
There’s a new integration for Asana called Task Map that adds a location field to your tasks and allows you to view them together on a map. The location field auto-populates with results from Google Maps. Check it out here:
In this map solution, is there a possibility to draw an area with the pin pointer into the map like in the Google Maps? And if things would be perfect define state of progres in the pointer (Like with colors: red/alert, green/Done, orange/Under work - or define myself different states?)
Hi @Esq ,
Really great questions! From Task Map you are able to click anywhere on the map to create a task at that location. As far as marker visualization goes, you can filter markers by section, so if you use sections to organize tasks by progress state, you can filter them by progress state. In addition to this, you can also select a color and icon for markers on an individual basis.
If you would like to try it out for yourself, there’s a free non-committal (no credit card required) 14 day trial.
Virtually the only reason we still need to use a shared cal in our office is so the team members can click on the address link (while driving or at least when in the car) when visiting a site for whatever reason, it would be so very helpful to have a clickable map link in the ‘project heading’ or next to it, bearing in mind this is always done by a mobile device, I feel like this is pretty late to the party not having this function.
I agree having a clickable map Link, even in a custom field, would help our company immensely.