Add 'Project' tab to the Team Page

When you access the team page, you have ‘Overview, Messages, Calendar’ options at the top. On the overview page there is a very basic and hard to use view of projects the team has.

This request is to add “Projects” tab to access all projects under that team. It should work exactly the same as a Portfolio View in that you should be able to search, filter, sort, and add/change visible fields. (I know this could be challenging as projects can have unique fields but I’d be happy with any default and Library fields being able to be added).

This would allow us to really find all projects under a team to then perform any clean-up / management needed on them. An example use case we ran into is that someone left the company and we weren’t added to their projects and so it was a very hard tracking down all this work to get it assigned to a new designer. Having a full list view of projects under a team would make this SO much easier.

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@Bob_Le_Schoenthal - the way I do this is to use advanced/saved searches. If you go to the search bar and click advanced search, you can search for all teams (that you have access to) in a given team and save the search results by starring them. That should give you what you’re looking for, albeit in a different path/UI:

This definitely helps. Though I’d still like to see it be added as a project tab on the teams page as well. This would be a logical and easy place for the rest of the team to find things as well, and it would be great to do the custom fields (especially library fields) as we have several things that we use to identify projects there (such as Designer, Writer, Researcher, etc.)

Additionally it would be great on both this proposed view and the searched view to multi-select and mass edit projects. For example I want to search for all projects and create an All Portfolio, it would be nice to do the search, select all, and add to portfolio (or any other change needed like change Owner or a particular field such as Designer to reassign projects from a designer that left to a new one).

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@Bob_Le_Schoenthal - In the coming months, there’s going to be a change to project memberships (you’ll be able to add teams as well as individuals) that might make this a bit more challenging (but not impossible). See here for more on that upcoming change:

I do agree that it would be great to bulk update project-level field data would be extremely helpful (when I need to do this, I just run a script that calls the API, but that’s not a viable solution for most users). I couldn’t find a relevant topic on this, so feel free to create a request in the Product Feedback channel!

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Hi, @Bob_Le_Schoenthal
I believe your request is the same as this one, so please read it.