Hi everyone. We try to make our app faster by using several kind of caching for tasks, stories, projects, subtasks…
One solution we plan to use is keep a list of tasks in a project, then only request “events” on that project, by using the events + sync method.
I tried it, and register my sync token, then update several tasks, and I got 120 events. So I see that there’s no pagination on events endpoint. The “limit” parameter is ignored.
Is it possible that I request an event token 10 hours later, and get 10000 items in return without paging, and wait several minutes to get the response or get a timeout?
If so, is it a best practice to contantly update all my pending sync tokens?
use case: it’s an app that can query lot of data from 1 or more projects to generate charts / reports / export, and all the code/cache is on client-side browser using indexDB.
If I wait for several hours before fetching events, I’m afraid that tons of events may have occur.
So, do I need to update these events+sync token every X minutes, even if I don’t need them immediately?
Using server-side webhook is not an option for now, as we don’t want to keep asana customer data in our bridge24 servers. That’s why we use browser indexDB caching.