I work as Manager of Application Security. My hobby is thinking about how to streamline everything, from processes to work management. Kind of like what Asana is already doing. I have been working as a process engineer and now I have branched out to Application Security.
I came to the Asana Community when I had a question about moving tasks from other workspaces. I found an answer to my question in an existing thread before I even had to post it!
I use ASANA as my daily TASK Management, to do my own work, to follow up works by other people on which I depend on, to let asana act as my reminding system. Nearly everything a TASK management system does. Learning day by day.
Salman, Khwaja has served professionally for over 10 years in Pakistani IT Industry as a Technical Content Writer / Author, Quality Assurance professional, Information Systems Auditor / Process Consultant and is now serving as a Manager Application Security in TPS Pakistan Pvt. Limited.
He is passionate on mobile technology, technological advancements in payment systems and providing consultation on various IT related problems. He has made the following companies (The Tooba Foundation (http://thetoobafoundation.wordpress.com/ & Smile Savers (http://smilesavers.com.pk/) visible on internet by development of their corporate Websites.
He has an M.S in Computer Science from Muhammad Ali Jinnah University and B.Sc. (Hons) in Management Information Systems from University of London.
He can be reached on the following networks.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalmaanKhwaja
Linkedin: https://pk.linkedin.com/in/salmankhwaja
Blog: http://salmankhwaja.wordpress.com/
Guest Posts @
Cross Roads Magazine:
Guest Writer @ (http://projectmanagementgeeks.com/signs-that-helps-you-know-the-time-to-change-job/ )