

:eyes: Looking for a quicker onboarding time for your team or teams to use Asana?
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Need help with adding workflows, goals, or portfolios?
Book a call and let’s chat about how I could help you and your team find more time and accomplish more with less work. I’m confident you can do it; I can help get you started!

Book a free discovery call and we can go from there.

A little more about me:
With degrees in mathematics and hospitality, I work with people and solve problems. I’ve been using technology to help people while create solutions and also train people in all stages of their digital-prowess; I can help people make sense of technology without having to learn a new language :innocent:

:briefcase: Helping people thrive by providing solutions to increase effectiveness and free them up to do what they enjoy most.

:family_man_woman_girl_girl: I have three girls that take up much of my time and enjoy building things from woodworking, to no-code apps, and especially Asana workflows :nerd_face: