Unable to create webhook "This resource already has too many webhooks, and no more can be added to it."

Thank you @Phil_Seeman , @Jeff_Schneider and @AndrewWong ,

We are aware of the 1000 webhook limit, thanks. We stream all object versions, and all database changes including webhook subscriptions, and can assure you the limit has not been reached for this resource. The resource is 249 days old and is limited to 4 members only who all work together, so it’s not exposed to any unknown users/apps.

Is there any other limit that could return this response?

The workspace has > 6000 active webhooks from a single user.
That user is able to create new webhooks in the workspace, without this error response.

The resource is part of a migration process to a new backend where new webhooks are required. We could proceed with a workaround to recreate the project to reset the limit but it would become a much bigger problem if the issue occurred on the other resources we need to complete the migration. The resource is stuck in limbo, will it happen to more of them?

I’ve DM: ed the workspace and resource to @AndrewWong