Hi @Alberto20,
That weird because the code I provided previously works well since years until some hours ago…
I checked with our API team and we have identified this to be a bug.
Summary of the issue:
When you make an API call to Get all projects in a workspace (GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects) with
archived = false
- EXPECTED: to return projects in the team that are not archived
- CURRENT/BUG BEHAVIOR: projects being returned that are in the team but include archived projects -
When you make an API call to Get a team’s projects (/teams/{team_gid}/projects) with
archived = false
- EXPECTED: to return projects in the team that are not archived
- CURRENT/BUG BEHAVIOR: projects being returned that are both archived and non-archived
Workaround Soltuion (at least until we have a fix out):
- Make an API call to Get a team’s projects (/teams/{team_gid}/projects) without any
query params and do clientside filtering of those projects
Our API team is currently working on a fix for this so if you are blocked please use the workaround solution.