How to obtain list of Column-Sections within a User Task List

Hey @Brandon4,

Sorry (although this is really me apologizing on behalf of Asana); I feel like you’re in here somewhere
and I’m trying to find you in there and give you some info to help get you out.

Here’s some hopefully useful info:

  1. As of this writing, it’s not possible to directly retrieve what section a task is in within a user’s My Tasks list (known in technical API terms as a “user task list” or UTL) once they’ve been migrated to the new My Tasks model. In the old model, you could get this info from the memberships property of a task, but that property is not currently being populated for tasks in the new My Tasks. This is a bug; the API Team is aware of it and has formulated a plan to fix it; I don’t know any further details about exactly what the fix will be and when we’ll see it. I’m pushing. See also #3 below for more on this.

  2. It is still possible to obtain a list of the sections in a user’s My Tasks list; this hasn’t broken or changed in the new model. The endpoint GET /projects/{user-task-list-gid}/sections still works just as it did before.

  3. The reason I say in #1 above “not possible to directly retrieve” is that you can indirectly determine what UTL section a task lives in by using the GET /sections/{user-task-list-section-gid}/tasks endpoint; this will return a list of all tasks in a section, and it works just fine for UTL sections the same as it does for sections in a regular project. So by using the endpoint in #2 to get all of the sections in a UTL, then iterating through each section and for each section using the endpoint in #3 here to get the tasks in that section, you can know what section each UTL task is in. IMO it’s a pretty ugly and convoluted way of getting hte info you should be able to (and evenrtually will again be able to) get for a task directly, but it will work if needed.