Why when i create a new workspace I'm being asked to upgrade?

Hi, I am already a business customer with 10 seats, so why when I make 2nd workspace, all the features I’m already paying for are not available in that new workspace?


Hi @anon92011474, thanks for reaching out!

With a single Asana account, you can create or join multiple Workspaces & Organizations to collaborate with various groups of Asana users; these Workspaces and Organizations you belong to are their own separate entities, each with their own unique set of people, projects, and tasks.

The same applies when you upgrade a Workspace or Organization. The paid features will be only available in the space you upgraded but not in all spaces you are currently member.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have follow-up questions!

Hi @Emily_Roman,
Just a small question, which crossed my mind. Is there any limit on creating WORKSPACES ?

Hi @Salman_Khwaja! good question! we don’t have limits on creating Workspaces :slight_smile: You can find more details and information about Workspaces in this article.

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