Why is adding a new team missing from the API?

Hey Bastien,

Here is the original thread on the subject Create teams with the API

I started a new thread because it was only mentioned that it was unavailable. And despite several people chiming in about how it’s a feature they’d like to have, no one commented afterwards about the development status, or why it was omitted.

Also, I’m seeing that you actually CAN create a team via an HTTP post request. So the backend is there, the developers creating the client libraries just didn’t create methods for this. Why?

Any Python users who need to make a team…

import requests

data = {

"name": 'Test - New Team'


r = requests.post(‘https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/organizations/{}/teams’.format(workspace_gid), data=data, auth=(PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN, ‘’))


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