View All Custom Fields in one spot

How do I see all custom fields across all teams & projects in Asana?
(This will allow to monitor and eliminate any potential duplicates, typos across the various projects)

Currently, the only way I can see them if I go into project > manage custom fields > add field to project. I see 5 most recent custom fields, however in order for me to see any other ones I have to type the name of the field


Hello Diana_Chronis

The best way at this moment is to use this tool: iDO Tools - Improve Asana with our tools and automations


thanks @Paul_Grobler I’m half way there. Now if I’d be able to edit in that area I’d be set :smiley:

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You would wish to edit the name of the field and/or the options? (I am the creator of the said tool)


Since already in the screen, it would be helpful from an efficiency standpoint I would think

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This is a great tool. Thanks for making this available.


Agreed. This is HUGELY helpful.

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Another solution is to use Bridge24 for Asana. The grid view allows to display any custom field you want, even across all teams and projects. Also, you can export your tasks to Excel with the custom field values and do what you want with your data from Excel.

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