Hi all,
I try to use the “search” endpoint, inside a batch.
We used batch a lot before, it always works well.
But, for “search”, I don’t find any way to make it work.
When I use the regular method, that I think should work, I get that result:
var request = {
"data": {
"actions": [{
"method": "get",
"relative_path": "/workspaces/1206482253527890/tasks/search",
"data": {
"is_subtask": true,
"modified_at.after": "2024-06-12T04:06:21.215Z"
"options": {
"limit": 10,
"fields": ["parent.modified_at", "modified_at", "created_at"]
response: “Values in "data" for batch GET actions cannot be arrays or objects.”
Then, I tried to set all parameters in “options” instead of data.
response: “You must specify at least one search filter.”,
3rd try, I tried to set search parameters in query (relative_path)
response: “Parameters are not accepted in a batch action’s path; use “data” or “options””
I don’t know what to try next!
The reason I try to use “batch” instead of direct GET, is because sometimes, I need to send very long query, like “projects.any=xxxx,yyyy, zzzz, …” that are too long for a regular querystring parameter, and are refused by the browser and/or api.
If I can send them using “post”, there’s no limit on the length of the parameters.